中四物理 O 水准模拟考必出题型2024
胡hgf • • 153 次浏览中四 O水准考试 是所有中学生要面临的一次重大考试。这考试会直接影响他们未来的学习路程,是否能上高中或是去理工学院,甚至于去工艺教育学院。在这9月份,他们会有一次彩排的机会,那就是中四学校的模拟考试。这也是一场重要的考试。因为这后冠病时代,学生有可能因为冠病不能去考试,而只能用模拟考的成绩来估算出成绩。因此,模拟考变得格外重要。
本人拥有18年的教学经验。以下是我押的重要必出的题型。Questions types tested inSec 4 Pure Physics Prelim exam2024Measurements1. Physicalquantities, Units and Measurements· Knowing the 7 basequantities and theirrespective SI units· How to read VernierCallipers and micrometerscrew gauge· Appropriateinstrument for measuring quantity· Calculating periodof pendulum· Identify quantitiesas scalars or vectorsNewtonian Mechanics2. Kinematics· Difference betweendisplacement and distance· Difference betweenspeed and velocity· Calculatingacceleration· Describing motionof object fromdisplacement-time graph and velocity-time graph· Transformdisplacement-time graph tovelocity-time graph to acceleration time graph· Calculatingvelocity from displacement-timegraph· Calculatingdisplacement and acceleration fromvelocity-time graph· Describing themotion and calculating speedbased on ticker tape timer· Using accelerationdue to free fall to calculatedisplacement and velocity3. Dynamics I: Mass andWeight· Identify force thatacts across distance or incontact· Definition of massand weight· Difference betweenmass and weight· How to calculateweight from mass andgravitational field strength and vice versa4. Dynamics II: Forces· Using Newton’s first law of motion to explainacceleration in space· Using Newton’s second law of motion to explainforce is equivalent toacceleration· Using Newton’s third law of motion to explainpropulsion· Using F=ma tocalculation resultant force andacceleration· Drawing forces infree body diagram· Resolving forces byusing vector diagram· Calculation thrust,air resistance, frictionfrom free body diagram· Methods to reducefriction· Explain terminalvelocity during free fall usingforces· Factors affectingterminal velocity5. Turning Effects ofForces· Calculation ofmoment of force· Identify differenttypes of equilibrium: Stable,unstable and neutral· How stability isaffected by base area andposition of center of gravity· Determine thecenter of gravity of a lamina· Calculation offorce based on Principle ofmoments6. Pressure· Definition of pressure· Calculation ofpressure in liquid column· Applying Pascal’s Law to calculate the area andforce of hydraulic press· Calculatingpressure of gas using u-shapedmanometer· Determine densityof liquid using u-shapedmanometer7. Energy· Definition ofenergy, work done and power· Using Law ofConservation of energy to calculateenergy· Calculatinggravitational potential energy andkinetic energy· Calculating workdone, power· Work done used to calculatebraking distance· Calculating energyefficiency· Distinguishing therenewable and non-renewablesources of energyThermal Physics8. Kinetic ParticlesModel of Matter· Describing thearrangement of particles,movement of particles and speed of particles in solid,liquid and gas· Drawing theparticles in solid, liquid and gas· Describing thechange in arrangement, movementand speed of particles during change of state(Freezing, melting, boiling,condensation)· Describing gain orloss of heat in differenceprocesses of change of state· Difference betweenevaporation and boiling· Factors affectingthe rate of evaporation9. Thermal Processes· Defining thermalequilibrium· Explaining physicalphenomenon based on thefirst law of thermodynamics· Definition ofconduction, convection andradiation· Explaining physicalphenomenon using conduction,convection and radiation· Describing theformation of convection current· Describing thetypes of surface as emitters andabsorbers of heat10. Thermal Properties ofMatter· How thermometermeasures temperature: based onlinear properties of materials such as volume,expansion, resistance· Definition ofspecific heat capacity andspecific latent heat· Calculating theamount of heat capacity in asubstance· Calculating energyused for change of state andrise in temperature· Explaining wherethere is no change intemperature during the change of stateWaves11. General WaveProperties I: Introduction· Describing wave:frequency, wavelength,amplitude, period· Using wave equationto calculate wave speed,frequency, wavelength· Identify thedifferent types of waves:longitudinal and transverse· Describing wave asa propagation of energywithout transfer of medium· Drawing the nextwave form12. General WaveProperties II: Sound· Require medium topropagate· Describe experimentof ringing alarm in glassjar as air is pumped out· Calculatingdistance based on echo· Range of frequencyof human hearing· Relating quality ofsound: Amplitude toloudness, frequency to pitch· Practical use ofsound: Echolocation, radar,sonar13. Electromagnetic Waves· Properties ofelectromagnetic waves· Trends ofelectromagnetic waves: Frequency,wavelength and energy· Order ofelectromagnetic spectrum· Uses of thedifferent parts of theelectromagnetic spectrum14. Light· Describe laws ofreflection· Explain propertiesof light· Properties ofmirror images· Describe laws ofrefraction· Calculate angle ofincidence, angle ofrefraction and refractive index using Snell’sLaw· Describing totalinternal reflection· Explainingphenomenon using refraction and totalinternal reflection· Calculating focallength of converging lens· Drawing raydiagrams· Properties of imageof converging lens and usesElectricity and Magnetism15. Static Electricity· Definition ofElectric field· Drawing of electricfield· How to chargeobject by rubbing and induction· Explain howelectrons move to induce charge inobjects· Explaining howobjects become charged inphysical phenomenon· How to use goldleaf electroscope16. Current ofElectricity· Definition ofcurrent, potential difference andresistance· Difference betweenconventional current andelectron flow· Calculatingcurrent, voltage and resistance· Difference betweenelectromotive force (EMF) andpotential difference (PD)· Drawing circuitdiagrams· Explaining how ammeter,voltmeter and resistorswork· Using Ohm’s law to distinguish between ohmic andnon-ohmic material· How resistancechanges with temperature· Calculating powerand energy used17. D.C. Circuits· How to calculatecurrent, potential differenceand resistance in series and parallel circuit· How to calculateoutput voltage from a potentialdivider· How light dependentresistors (LDR) andthermistor works in a potential divider· Uses of potentialdivider: relay switch, volumecontrol, fan speed control18. Practical Electricity· Identify differentkinds of hazards:overloading, frayed wires, wet condition, short circuit· Calculatingelectricity consumption using KWh· Explain how safetyfeatures work: Fuse, Switch,circuit breaker, insulation19. Magnetism· Definition ofmagnetic field· Drawing of magneticfield· Explain how toinduce magnetism· How to inducemagnetism and reduce magnetism· Difference betweenhard magnetic and softmagnetic material· Explain uses ofmagnets in real life setting20. Electromagnetism· Describe themagnetic effects of electricity· Describe howmagnetic field is produce whencurrent flows through and how wires with paralleland anti-parallel currentsbehave· Determine polarityof magnetic field using righthand grip rule· Drawing magneticfield of a wire and a solenoid· Describe motoreffect· Using Fleming’s Left hand rule to determine thedirection of force andcurrent flow· Explain thefunction of the parts of a motor21. ElectromagneticInduction· Explaining thepolarity of magnetism induced bycurrent using Lenz’sLaw· Describe themagnitude of the EMF induced isproportional to the amount of magnetic fluxbased on Faraday’s Law· Identify step upand step down transformer· Calculate thecurrent, emf and power in theprimary and secondary coil of transformer· How to readCRO(Cathode Ray-tube Oscilloscope)readingRadioactivity22. Radioactivity· Identify thefundamental particles in an atom· Definition ofradioactivity· Difference betweennuclear fission and nuclearfusion· Writing equation ofradioactive decay: alpha,beta and gamma· Calculating massleft and half life· Uses and hazards ofnuclear power
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