lvxiang121 • • 76 次浏览想问下大家,买了一份人寿储蓄,一年接近14K,之前不知道可以扣税,现在咨询保险中介,说一年最多可以扣5000的税,是吗?人寿保险扣税有额度吗?前几年没报扣税,可以写信给IRAS说明情况,退回之前少扣的部分吗?
IRAS网站上都有Qualifying For Relief
Qualifying for relief
To claim Life Insurance Relief for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2024, you must satisfy all these conditions:
You paid insurance premiums on your own life insurance policy*.
The insurance company must have an office or branch in Singapore^ if your policies are taken on or after 10 August 1973.
The total CPF contribution for the following was less than $5,000 in the year preceding the YA#:
a. Compulsory employee’s CPF contribution;
b. Compulsory MediSave/ voluntary CPF contribution as a self-employed individual. -
纳税年度之前的一年中,以下项目的公积金缴款总额低于 5,000元:
The total CPF contribution for the following was less than $5,000 in the year preceding the YA#:
a. Compulsory employee’s CPF contribution;
b. Compulsory MediSave/ voluntary CPF contribution as a self-employed individual. -
lvxiang121 楼主#3
lvxiang121 楼主#4