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第五条 父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;但父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍。
Citizenship by birth
—(1) Subject to this Article, every person born in Singapore after 16th September 1963 shall be a citizen of Singapore by birth.
(2) A person shall not be a citizen of Singapore by virtue of clause (1) if at the time of his birth —
(c) neither of his parents was a citizen of Singapore.
—(1) The Government may, by order, deprive a citizen of Singapore of his citizenship if the Government is satisfied that —
he has, while of or over the age of 18 years, at any time after 6th April 1960 acquired by registration, naturalisation or other voluntary and formal act (other than marriage) the citizenship of any country outside Singapore or having so acquired such citizenship before the age of 18 years continues to retain it after that age;
公民+中国籍PR: 新加坡国籍,因为中国不给你中国国籍了
公民+中国籍非PR : 新加坡方面在18岁之前是允许双国籍的,18岁之后必须做一个选择,放弃其中之一。但是因为中国国籍法不允许双国籍,理论上你去中国领事馆注册中国国籍的时候会要求小孩放弃新加坡国籍。所以最后只能是中国国籍。
第五条 父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;但父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍。
Citizenship by birth
—(1) Subject to this Article, every person born in Singapore after 16th September 1963 shall be a citizen of Singapore by birth.
(2) A person shall not be a citizen of Singapore by virtue of clause (1) if at the time of his birth —
(c) neither of his parents was a citizen of Singapore.
—(1) The Government may, by order, deprive a citizen of Singapore of his citizenship if the Government is satisfied that —
he has, while of or over the age of 18 years, at any time after 6th April 1960 acquired by registration, naturalisation or other voluntary and formal act (other than marriage) the citizenship of any country outside Singapore or having so acquired such citizenship before the age of 18 years continues to retain it after that age;
公民+中国籍PR: 新加坡国籍,因为中国不给你中国国籍了
公民+中国籍非PR : 新加坡方面在18岁之前是允许双国籍的,18岁之后必须做一个选择,放弃其中之一。但是因为中国国籍法不允许双国籍,理论上你去中国领事馆注册中国国籍的时候会要求小孩放弃新加坡国籍。所以最后只能是中国国籍。
这里不讨论中国政府不正常执行法律的问题。 -
134条是有限定条件的acquired by registration, naturalisation or other voluntary,要是父母有一方是坡籍,在新加坡生的孩子是citizen by birth的,不符合134条的限定,而且这个说的是政府剥夺国籍,不是个人renounce国籍acquired by registration, naturalisation or other voluntary,要是父母有一方是坡籍,在新加坡生的孩子是citizen by birth的,不符合134条的限定,而且这个说的是政府剥夺国籍,不是个人renounce国籍
楼主问的问题本来就是一方新加坡人, 一方中国人另外,剥夺国籍是新加坡国籍,而且是18岁以后,人家现在问的是新生儿另外,剥夺国籍是新加坡国籍,而且是18岁以后,人家现在问的是新生儿
我也没有说是renounce。我说的是放弃放弃既可以是主动的renounce, 也可以是被动的deprive。
或者说,只能保留一个比较妥当。放弃既可以是主动的renounce, 也可以是被动的deprive。
或者说,只能保留一个比较妥当。 -
无法操作新加坡出生,大使馆要你出具非新加坡籍本地证明,新加坡不会给你这个证明,自动新加坡籍by birth。所以只能回国生新加坡出生,大使馆要你出具非新加坡籍本地证明,新加坡不会给你这个证明,自动新加坡籍by birth。所以只能回国生
应该不行吧父母一方是公民的话,宝宝自动认定是公民,citizenship by birth, birth certificate 上会写的。去中国大使馆给新生儿办护照,如果父母中一方不是中国公民,宝宝要证明没有加入其他国籍才给办护照。父母一方是公民的话,宝宝自动认定是公民,citizenship by birth, birth certificate 上会写的。去中国大使馆给新生儿办护照,如果父母中一方不是中国公民,宝宝要证明没有加入其他国籍才给办护照。
说的就是134条对楼主的问题不适用renounce 的话得21,男的必须服完兵役才可以renounce 的话得21,男的必须服完兵役才可以
需要注册,政府有权力不批, 和楼上上的答案有关宪法: Renunciation of citizenship
128.—(1) Any citizen of Singapore of or over the age of 21 years and of sound mind who is also or is about to become a citizen of another country may renounce his citizenship of Singapore by declaration registered by the Government, and shall upon such registration cease to be a citizen of Singapore.
(2) The Government may withhold the registration of a declaration under this Article —
if the declaration is made during any war in which Singapore is engaged; or
if the declaration is made by a person subject to the Enlistment Act (Cap. 93) unless he has —
discharged his liability for full-time service under section 12 of that Act;
rendered at least 3 years of operationally ready national service under section 13 of that Act in lieu of such full-time service; or
complied with such conditions as may be determined by the Government.
(3) This Article applies to a woman under the age of 21 years who has been married as it applies to a person of or over that age.宪法: Renunciation of citizenship
128.—(1) Any citizen of Singapore of or over the age of 21 years and of sound mind who is also or is about to become a citizen of another country may renounce his citizenship of Singapore by declaration registered by the Government, and shall upon such registration cease to be a citizen of Singapore.
(2) The Government may withhold the registration of a declaration under this Article —
if the declaration is made during any war in which Singapore is engaged; or
if the declaration is made by a person subject to the Enlistment Act (Cap. 93) unless he has —
discharged his liability for full-time service under section 12 of that Act;
rendered at least 3 years of operationally ready national service under section 13 of that Act in lieu of such full-time service; or
complied with such conditions as may be determined by the Government.
(3) This Article applies to a woman under the age of 21 years who has been married as it applies to a person of or over that age. -