
doublex  •   •  454 次浏览




英文阅读书目X代表已读PART 1经典儿童文学, 来源wiki搜索Xaesop's fables伊索寓言Xarabian nights一千零一夜(纯洁版)Xrobinson crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记Xgulliver's travels格列佛游记swiss family robinsonXthe nutcracker and the mouse king胡桃夹子ivanhoeXthe legend of sleepy hollow断头谷Xgrimm's fairy tales格林童话(纯洁版)Xhans christian andersen fairy tales安徒生童话(非变态版)Xalice's adventures in wonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境the princess and the goblinXblack beauty黑骏马Xthe adventures of pinocchio匹诺曹历险记Xthe merry adventures of robin hood罗宾汉Xtreasure island金银岛Xheidi阿尔卑斯山的少女Xking solomon's mines所罗门王的宝藏the happy prince and other tales王尔德的儿童文学Xthe jungle book丛林之书XmoonfleetXthe wonderful wizard of oz绿野仙踪世界神话体系X中国神话,西游记,封神榜埃及神话X希腊神话(纯洁版)北欧神话凯尔特神话纽伯瑞金奖系列bud, not buddy2000a year down yonder2001Xlast stop on market street2016Xthe girl who drank the moon2017Xhello, universe2018Xmerci suarez changes gears2019Xnew kid2020Xwhen you trap a tiger2021the last cuentista2022freewater




 five children and it Xthe tale of peter rabbitXkind arthur and his knightsthe railway childrenXwhite fang白牙,jack london代表作anne of green gablesthe wind in the wollows柳林风声Xpeter and wendy小飞侠tarzan人猿泰山the lost world柯南道尔的科幻作品the story of doctor dolittle怪医杜立德the voyages of doctor dolittle怪医杜立德2the velveteen rabbitXmary poppins魔法保姆Xballet shoesXthe little prince小王子Xstuart little精灵鼠小弟I capture the castleXcharlotte's web夏洛特的网Xjames and the giant peach罗纳德童话系列Xcharlie and the chocolate查理和巧克力工厂Xthe BFG罗纳德童话系列Xmatilda罗纳德童话系列a wrinkle in time时间之纹the iron manwhen hitler stole pink rabbitbridge to terabithiaXthe indian in the cupboard橱柜奇兵Xwar horse战马,第一次世界大战缩影Xthe sheep-pig小猪贝贝howl's moving castle哈尔的移动城堡Xmadame doubtfire窈窕奶爸Xartemis fowl阿特米斯Xpercy jackson希腊神话现代版the hunger games饥饿游戏his dark materialsthe giverinkheart墨水心the invention of hugo cabret


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  • doublex 楼主


    PART 2低端和高端的魔幻 西方妖怪系列frankenstein佛兰肯斯坦the invisable man隐形人the picture of dorian gray道林格雷dracula德古拉魔幻大部头the hobbit, lord of the rings托尔金魔幻文学大作earthsea地海传奇,美国魔幻文学大作Xnarnia刘易斯魔幻文学大作Xharry potter


  • doublex 楼主



    PART 3名著系列 狄更斯文学系列    男oilver twist雾都孤儿a christmas carol圣诞颂歌david copperfield大卫·科波菲尔a tale of two cities双城记great expectations远大前程简奥斯丁系列        女pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见sense and sensibility理智与情感大仲马武侠系列the three musketeers三个火枪手,关于荣誉the count of monte cristo基督山伯爵,关于忍耐海明威old man and the sea老人与海,关于毅力A.E. W. MASONfour feathers四根羽毛, 关于勇气Xlittle womenanna kareninales miserablesmoby-dickto kill a mockingbirdthe great gatsbywar and peaceplanet of the apes


    儒勒凡尔纳科幻系列Xa jouerney to the center of the earth地心游记Xtwenty thousand leagues under the sea海底两万里Xaround the world in eighty days环球八十天H. G. Wells 威尔士科幻代表作the war of the worlds世界之战Xtime machine时间机器阿西莫夫科幻代表作I, robot 推理系列柯南道尔之福尔摩斯       男阿加莎克里斯蒂之波洛  女马克吐温文学系列the adventures of tom sawyer汤姆索亚历险记adventures of huckleberry finn哈克贝利费恩历险记荷马史诗X伊利亚特X奥德赛


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