yunvei • • 1586 次浏览静谧又充满神秘感的热带雨林,很喜欢这儿,印象中有五次了,每次有不同的感觉。泥泞路的徒步,翻山越岭感,很有挑战胜,注重安全同时顺利达成目标,很感谢小伙伴们一路相互关照帮助,团队协作的力量是强大,部分图片拍摄借用并谢谢队友。感恩所有遇见健康有乐趣的休闲运动调节方式让生活变得不一样。期待下次冒险徒步之旅。如果你在新加坡,喜欢运动和徒步,可以申请加入我们。
The quiet and mysterious tropical rainforest, I like it very much, there are five times in my impression, and I feel different each time. Hiking on muddy roads, climbing mountains and ridges, is very challenging and wins. I pay attention to safety and achieve the goal smoothly. I am very grateful to my friends for caring and helping each other along the way. The power of teamwork is strong. I borrowed some pictures and thanked my teammates. Thank you for all the encounters The healthy and fun leisure sports adjustment method makes life different.Looking forward to our next adventure walking tour.If you are in Singapore and like sports and hiking, you can apply to join us.
yunvei 楼主#2
有不少哦 这是金文泰森林公园