秋天树叶 • • 683 次浏览早上在最左边上车道开车,前面有一队骑自行车的占了整条车道,所以我打转向灯了变道去右边,这时候右边车道没车。
We therefore dismissed this appeal. This case certainly does not establish a precedent that the relative liability of straight-moving vehicles with the right of way against turning vehicles has now been raised to 35% without qualification. The appellant’s liability was assessed to be higher than most of the cases he cited simply because that degree of contributory negligence was justified on the facts.
以后跟fqfp辩得先做基本查证,否则连起点都是被误导的 -
这段判决依据尤其的好,深得我心,我给法官点赞29The video footages showed two motorcycles from the Taxi’s end of CAW crossing the junction followed by the unknown vehicle on the left of the Taxi. There can be little doubt that the Nissan’s speed, calculated to be about 20.5 metres per second, assuming it was travelling at the lower end of the range of 74 to 87 kmph, was not a speed at which the driver could take reactive action if some other turning vehicle also started to cross the Nissan’s path.
还有这段 有理有据35As described earlier, the Nissan was practically charging down CAW at a dangerous speed when it should have been obvious to any driver paying attention to the traffic situation ahead of him that the junction was fairly busy and that there were vehicles waiting to turn across the junction. The appellant agreed that he did not lift his foot off the accelerator although he did not accelerate. Two motorcycles and the unknown vehicle were seen moving across the junction in the path of the Nissan when it was near the junction. It was surely incumbent on the appellant, as the driver of the Nissan, to have slowed down to a speed where he could deal with the possibility that a vehicle at the other end of CAW would start to turn right too early. An attentive and cautious driver would certainly have slowed down his vehicle immediately, especially if it was then travelling at between 74 and 87 kmph. However, the appellant did not do so and missed the turning unknown vehicle narrowly. As the Taxi started to move into the junction merely because the unknown vehicle had done so, the trial Judge was correct to hold the second respondent largely to blame for the accident and to have assessed his liability at 65%. Equally, the trial Judge was entirely justified in finding the appellant to be 35% liable although this percentage was not within the range that the appellant contended ought to be the norm.
这还能嘴硬?事故的35%责任 不是说只罚了5000了事,我感觉你在用谎言污蔑法官
换言之,如果不超速,的士司机就是全责,或者接近全责了。 -
而不是你一直说的有路权无责任,只是超速罚了款。这次判罚,新加坡的法官还是清楚的,只是被某些人扭曲了。 -
为啥金文泰事故中直行车只需要付次要责任,就是有路权这个护身符。 -
直行超速事故起点15% 但是这是起点而已。法官会视严重性加量The appellant submitted that the MAG recommends that he should bear only 25% liability based on the following reasoning. Scenario 7(b) in the MAG suggests that the driver of the straight-moving vehicle in the Discretionary Right Turn Scenario should bear 15% liability. The MAG further recommends that if the driver having the right of way exceeds the speed limit, his liability should be increased by 10%. On this basis, the appellant argued that he should bear 25% liability at most. However, the MAG also recommends that if the other vehicle has crossed the junction substantially, the liability of the driver having the right of way should be increased by 5% to 10% as he would have had greater opportunity to avoid the collision The video footages showed that the second respondent had almost crossed at least the path of the Nissan at the junction when the collision occurred. If the appellant had not been charging into the junction at a dangerous speed, he would have been in a much better position than the second respondent to prevent the accident from happening. The trial Judge’s apportionment of 35% liability on the appellant’s part was therefore in keeping with the MAG anyway.
直行责任从来就不是因为路权而免除 -
记住这个人的超速low end 只有74而不是你说的92, 真的92了法官肯定会改判
70以下 15%起步然后法官会看有没有车已经在转了
你自己开车吗? -
直行车超速lower end其实只到74kmh而不是前面说的92kmh,但是 超速程度,是否有减速,是否已经有右转车辆,这些每一个因素都被纳入了责任考量,最终判决35%事故责任。如果他敢开到92-97肯定就不止35%。
法官是清楚的,右转司机被重罚也解释得通,但是争论的话题正是直行超速车的责任问题,这个结果清楚告诉我们,有路权,不考虑交通安全,甚至违章,每一条都会被纳入刑量考量,fqfp类似这样危险却不自知还洋洋得意的自诩老司机才是最大的隐患。 -
说的蛮对 实在变不了就不变 耐心跟在后面开一会也没有事情 等到安全的时候再去变道
夫妻肺片 别以为路是你家的,所谓的路 权 可以随时没收滴。。跟你家可不一样,。。。。。
看了几段 触目惊心,几百公里没人的高速超速who cares,这种heavy traffic town超速个头啊
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际/> “可以看下正式的判决结果和依据在这里”
原地址:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=172_14956126 -
是的繁忙路段 繁忙时段 路口有车,超速最低值不到10%,但是没松油门。都是法官的考虑。
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际/> “看了几段 触目惊心,几百公里没人的高速超速who cares,”
原地址:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=172_14956174 -