flare • • 3008 次浏览孩子多大以前离开新加坡就可以不用服兵役了?10岁?
flare 楼主#1
最后几段,也贴在后面了。连用过新加坡护照也算享受过新加坡福利(Ekawit Tangtrakarn的例子,出生到大从来没在新加坡待过,21岁公民权自动取消,24岁来新加坡被罚款6000,因为十多岁的时候待在国外没有申请有效exit permit)。感觉基本上就是不管多大出去就不要回来了,回来就有风险被抓小辫子,或者至少exit permit得弄好。
Can My Child Completely Avoid being Liable for NS?
Renunciation of Singapore Citizenship
If your child renounces his citizenship upon attaining 21 years of age
Article 128 of the Constitution sets out the conditions for the renunciation of a Singapore citizenship. Your child must be:
A Singapore citizen of or over the age of 21;
Of sound mind; and,
About to become the citizen of another country.
Your child must also first discharge any liability of his under the Enlistment Act. This means that he will have to have:
Completed his service of full-time NS;
Rendered at least 3 years of ORNS; or
Comply with any conditions that the Government may impose.
In other words, it is not possible for your child to renounce his Singapore citizenship without first serving NS.
If your child loses his Singapore citizenship after failing to take the Oath of Renunciation, Allegiance and Loyalty (ORAL)
Even if your child is a Singapore citizen by descent and has lost his Singapore citizenship as a result of failing to take the ORAL within 12 months of turning 21, this would not discharge him from his NS obligations. He would still have to carry out his NS obligations or risk being classified as a defaulter.
In the case of Ekawit, as mentioned earlier, Ekawit lost his Singapore citizenship after he failed to take the ORAL within 12 months of turning 21 years old. Despite this, he was still liable for NS as he was previously registered as a Singapore citizen.
If your child did not enjoy the benefits of Singapore citizenship
MINDEF set out these conditions in response to a 2008 case where 3 Norwegian brothers wanted to give up their Singapore citizenship. Your child would only be able to renounce their Singapore citizenship without serving national service if he:
Emigrates along with your family at a very young age; and
Does not enjoy the benefits that a Singapore citizenship would provide.
(An example being Ekawit’s case, in which he used his Singaporean passport for travel)
However, it is unclear what MINDEF meant by “very young age”, and if there is any official way for your child to renounce his Singapore citizenship before the age of 21 (even if he has 2 passports).
Renunciation of Permanent Residence (PR) status
If your child renounces or loses his PR status without serving or completing full-time NS, this may adversely affect any immediate or future applications for the following:
Applications to work, study or live in Singapore;
Applications for Singapore citizenship or PR status; and
Applications for the renewal of Re-entry Permits made by one’s family members or sponsors.
In other words, unless your child has no intention to ever return to Singapore to live or for work, it would be best for him to fulfil his NS obligations before renouncing his PR status. -
他这个有跟政府沟通不确定说了什么,但估计自身的情况有讲(一直海外生活也没打算回坡),只是给不出来exit permit的押金。罚款可能也只是罚没申请exit permit。
加拿大两兄弟不知道为啥重很多,有一个八岁就去加拿大了。 -
flare 楼主#7
flare 楼主#8
flare 楼主#9
记忆中看以前的讨论是在CMPB的FAQ好像是在一条怎样定义enjoyed Singapore citizenship privilege 里面。但是不重要啊,现在没有了就是没有了。现在政府给小孩子的各种补贴只会让这个网越撒越大。
flare 楼主#12