A b c 义工变化通知

小土  •   •  2228 次浏览

Dear CCC/CCMC/RC/NC Chairpersons,
Cc: Grassroots Adviser,

The Ministry of Education (MOE) Primary One (P1) Registration Scheme is open to serving grassroots leaders (GRLs) of the Citizens' Consultative Committees (CCCs), Community Club/Centre Management Committees (CCMCs), Residents' Committees (RCs), Neighbourhood Committees (NCs) and Residents' Networks (RNs), and District Councillors of the Community Development Councils (CDCs) with at least two years of continuous service immediately prior to their applications. Since 2016, they are eligible to register their children in primary schools located in their residing Group Representation Constituency (GRC) or Single Member Constituency (SMC).

2 Whenever there are changes in electoral boundaries following a General Election (GE), the residing GRC/SMC of GRLs/District Councillors would consequently change thus affecting their choice of eligible primary schools. MOE would determine whether the pre- or post-GE boundaries would be used for P1 registration for the GRLs/District Councillors based on where the majority of their minimum two-year service period lies. This rule has been applied consistently since 2011 so as to be fair to GRLs/District Councillors who are suddenly affected by electoral boundary changes.

3 To ensure that future registrations by GRLs/District Councillors will not be affected by changes to electoral boundaries, MOE will implement the following policy changes to the Scheme from 2022 (i.e. for admission to P1 from 2023):

Choice of Primary School
Eligible GRL/District Councillor will be granted Phase 2B to register his/her child in a primary school located within 2 kilometres (km) of his/her residence (based on data from SLA OneMap), regardless of his/her residing GRC/SMC.

Minimum Occupation Period of Registered Address
GRL/District Councillor who is granted Phase 2B under the Scheme will be required to reside in his/her registered address for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Exercise, regardless of with or without balloting for Phase 2B registration.


37 条回复
  • 小土 楼主

    还有30个月服务cut off least two years of active continuous service as GRL/District Councillor (the cut-off date for appointment is 30 June two years preceding the application year); and

  • hongmong


  • 小土 楼主

    但朋友说其实影响不大? 最后报名还是1 km

    Perhaps this is an example. Someone staying in Trevose Crescent is under Holland GRC so can't apply for SCGS as a GRL (phase 2b) even though <1km. With these new rules, this person can now apply to SCGS even if he/she is a GRL in Holland GRC. on my interpretation of your snapshot your friend is correct. What has changed is for ppl who want to qualify for Phase 2B as a GRL.

    比如dLeelon 可以不用搬家啦申请南洋

  • johnlee09


  • hongmong


  • dophineliu


  • 小土 楼主


    有人说还是1公里优先。 所以变化不大。

  • #8


  • #9

    住clementi 做社区义工后也可以搬家去报名道南啦?

  • hongmong


  • 小土 楼主


  • darcula


  • #13


  • #14


  • #15


  • #16


  • #17


  • darcula

    哇,这个2km搬去1km或者1km内搬家也不可以吗Minimum Occupation Period of Registered Address
    GRL/District Councillor who is granted Phase 2B under the Scheme will be required to reside in his/her registered address for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Exercise, regardless of with or without balloting for Phase 2B registration

  • kkbb9999


  • #20

    cut off least two years of active continuous service as GRL/District Councillor2年

  • #21


  • huasingAZ

    我的理解是1. GRL还是要做两年
    2. 报名前全岛搬家方案还是可行的
    3. 选学校的先决条件从同个grc变为离(新)家距离2km,也就是在哪个grc做义工不再重要,纯粹距离定胜负,例如利好南华对面组屋
    4. 上学后要住满30个月,无论是否凭2b grl进入小学

    all in all,2B竞争会更激烈

  • 南勍


  • 小土 楼主



  • #25


  • 滚雪球


  • #27

    因为要住满30个月,是不是杜绝了2B, 2C换地址的可能性因为要住满30个月,是不是杜绝了2B, 2C换地址的可能性

  • 南勍


  • #29

    抽没抽都要GRL/District Councillor who is granted Phase 2B under the Scheme will be required to reside in his/her registered address for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Exercise, regardless of with or without balloting for Phase 2B registration

  • jeojeo


  • #31


  • #32


  • Hulumei123

    请问这个是说报名两年前的6月30前必须转正吗? 但是看别人说五月就开始申请2B的信了 当月也截止申请了

  • 小土 楼主




  • KK灰

    D'leedon不是一个选区学校义工可以,社区目前不行啊(改后可以了)。 现在属于TANJONG PAGAR

  • 滚雪球


  • 小土 楼主

    A b c 义工变化通知Dear CCC/CCMC/RC/NC Chairpersons,
    Cc: Grassroots Adviser,

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) Primary One (P1) Registration Scheme is open to serving grassroots leaders (GRLs) of the Citizens' Consultative Committees (CCCs), Community Club/Centre Management Committees (CCMCs), Residents' Committees (RCs), Neighbourhood Committees (NCs) and Residents' Networks (RNs), and District Councillors of the Community Development Councils (CDCs) with at least two years of continuous service immediately prior to their applications. Since 2016, they are eligible to register their children in primary schools located in their residing Group Representation Constituency (GRC) or Single Member Constituency (SMC).

    2 Whenever there are changes in electoral boundaries following a General Election (GE), the residing GRC/SMC of GRLs/District Councillors would consequently change thus affecting their choice of eligible primary schools. MOE would determine whether the pre- or post-GE boundaries would be used for P1 registration for the GRLs/District Councillors based on where the majority of their minimum two-year service period lies. This rule has been applied consistently since 2011 so as to be fair to GRLs/District Councillors who are suddenly affected by electoral boundary changes.

    3 To ensure that future registrations by GRLs/District Councillors will not be affected by changes to electoral boundaries, MOE will implement the following policy changes to the Scheme from 2022 (i.e. for admission to P1 from 2023):

    Choice of Primary School
    Eligible GRL/District Councillor will be granted Phase 2B to register his/her child in a primary school located within 2 kilometres (km) of his/her residence (based on data from SLA OneMap), regardless of his/her residing GRC/SMC.

    Minimum Occupation Period of Registered Address
    GRL/District Councillor who is granted Phase 2B under the Scheme will be required to reside in his/her registered address for at least 30 months from the start of the P1 Exercise, regardless of with or without balloting for Phase 2B registration.

    该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18狮城帮币,时间:2021-08-18 22:00:05。




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